
La Joya Pink Bourbon Natural

142,00 kr
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La Joya Pink Bourbon Natural is one of two micro lots we have purchased from producer Yermi Pedraza in the Nariño region of Colombia. This is the first harvest season that we have been working with Yermi and his team, and it’s already clear to see the huge amounts of quality in their coffees.

On the cupping table, we experience a sweet, juicy and elegant coffee, with a complex acidity, and a floral finish. The flavour is characterised by notes of strawberry and peach. Such is our love and belief in this coffee, we have decided to select it as our submission to the upcoming round of the Nordic Best Roaster Competition, which will be judged by an international panel at the World of Coffee in Copenhagen.

After selective handpicking, Yermi visually sorts cherry and then places selected cherry in clean bags to rest overnight. After 24 hours, cherry is pulped and fermented in tanks for 92 hours. Then, parchment is washed in clean water and laid in a parabolic dryer. Yermi rakes parchment frequently to ensure even drying. It takes approximately 8 to 12 days for parchment to dry.

We have decided to roast this coffee as omni roast, which means it can be enjoyed equally as espresso and filter.


country colombia
region nariño
producer yermy pedraza
variety pink bourbon
process natural
altitude 2000 masl
flavour notes juicy, strawberry, peach